Cure My Addiction [Ch 1-3 Ep.11 A]
The American health system is in shambles, and that is certainly no secret. We have astronomical costs for subpar care with patients often on the receiving end of a one-size-fits-all approach. The system also suffers from the many of the same ills, injustices, and prejudices that pervade the United States. Medical care as we know it upholds structural racism, classism, and sexism (to name a few), and is entrenched in a hierarchy that for so long has barred the diversity of thought, creativity, perspective, and expression that reflects the population it serves. While most definitely not a cure-all for this myriad of problems, community health workers (CHWs) can combat some of these ailments if systems are in place to support them sufficiently.
Cure My Addiction [Ch 1-3 Ep.11 A]
Currently, I am part of a cohort of people using an experimental protocol to cure our chronic illnesses and after 2.5 years I can finally see that there is, in fact, a light at the end of the tunnel. I think there is a very good chance that by the time I am 57 or 58 I will be fully functional and perhaps healthier than most people at that age. (I've already bought my suitcases for the wellness vacation I am planning.) When well, I will have to get creative to find a way to fund not only my 3rd chapter but my epilogue years, as my retirement was lost to illness related issues.
Thank you for "Another Chapter, Another Life." Though I concur that life after fifty has brought greater discretion, it has also been accompanied by much greater clarity, determination and urgency not to defer out of fear of the future or any sense of futility regarding efforts. At fifty-four I ditched the security of a job with great benefits and a pension because I saw so many of my nurse-colleagues falling victim to the hidden trap of addiction to drugs and alcohol. Four months later, my book "Unbecoming A Nurse" was released and though I miss my discretionary money, I will never regret seizing the moment for ALL it was worth. In an age when monetary stockpiles and careers of longstanding evaporate before our eyes in a blink, we must focus on our resource of allotted time, the only economy that truly matters. Paula Davies Scimeca, RN, MS
Just what I'd been thinking. I have had it so easy for so long in my little business, that I've have very very little challenge. The isolated moments of adventure have been fleeting, but memorable. And my only real passion has been the weeks of camp where I stayed and lived with handicapped kids like my Down Syndrome son, Kit. (You know where I'm going with this...) So, as I think about an offer to run a handicapped residence in Idaho, I realize what it represents to me, really. I know I'll be overwhelmed with passion, and I trust that Idaho will provide adventure. And, somehow I just know the job will be a challenge. I do hope it works out, but I think I've crossed a threshold anyway. I have been clinging to my little secure business, even though I'm totally burned out (comes from boredom, not overwork) and been afraid to just walk away, even though I can. Now, I think I could consider moving anywhere without regret of leaving the last remaining roots on the Texas coast. Now, I could even try poutine! (well, maybe...)
I am 77 and retired 10 years ago. Despite many advantages (great wife, children, grandchildren, extended family and friends, I have not yet found the life I want in this stage of my life. I have been asked by younger retirees (60s) if I could help them readjust. One very eloquent one finds her days "empty" and regrets stopping work. Another told me that he feels more insecure than ever and fears making any big commitments. Some talked about getting a job if only to "fill" or "strcuture their lives". They don't want a life spent travelling , lunching and exercising. I think that Professor Lightfoot has written a book despereately needed by me and by my young friends just starting on the 3rd chapter of their lives. Their lives are in a scary and lonely transition. They need to hear what Professor LIghtfoot has learned from and about people addressing similar "retirement" crises and fears. I believe that Prof. Lightfoot's book will help my retired ed friends find much needed hope and direction. Thank you.
Upon hearing this, I threw both hands in the air and shouted yes! Two ingredients we badly need in academics, teamwork and failure. Failure is the cure for mediocrity. Teamwork is reality. I know it is hard on students when I push these things, but I hope down the road, it will serve them well. Thank you. 041b061a72